When the vision appeared(or projection? Or Force ghost?), Yerbol wanted to take the opportunity to sever Bracknell's head from his body, seeing as he was remaining still in an assumed posture of concentration, but then something stole the wind out of him, knocking him to his knees, eyes misting with the beginnings of tears. He reached out to Aria while she was speaking to the projection, who she quickly identified as her mother. Feelings of elation, euphoria swept through him, but then all too quickly it was replaced by something bubbling upwards, something dreadful that he could never get rid of, even though he could see her trying every single day of her life to repress it. Guilt. Fragments of events passed before his eyes, a gruesome tapestry of events unfolding centimeters at a time. The calls of those in the chamber to Aria, the continual attempts to break through the impregnable wall of Force energy that Bracknell had put up around him...all of this was lost in the realization that she had killed her mother, blade cutting through her chest mercilessly. Gutting anguish smothered his senses, permeating his being and- Suddenly it was over. Voldon was at Yerbol's side helping him to his feet as the Battlemaster gestured to Bracknell: "And we're going to leave him like this?! How long would it take for-" The temple grounds shook again, this time more violently, chunks of rock from the chamber walls collapsing to the ground. A wall of projections, crimson and armed with double bladed sabers, stood around the body, collective upper lips curled upwards in a challenging sneer. "WE DON'T HAVE THE BLOODY TIME TO ARGUE! WE'RE LEAVING!" Voldon cursed bitterly as he took one last glare at their now protected fallen enemy and muttered: "Come on, Yerbol, get your feet moving." "Right, right." He quietly responded, moving with the group towards the exit. As they made their hasty retreat, the sky above was laced with an orange-crimson hue, clouds billowing in anger, thunder clapping in chaotic intervals and even above all of that, some could hear the whine of jet engine. "Crap." Kira pointed at the streaking shuttle headed in their direction. "Wonderful. Reinforcements at a time like this." Thankfully the group had made it to their own shuttle, Yerbol sliding into the passenger seat as Zora made preparations for take-off, exclaiming as she shook her head: "You people sure know how to tick off an entire planet! It's gonna be a bumpy ride out of here!" Although Zora's prophecy had come true, they managed to get off world, zooming towards the base without noticing the Imperial cruiser on the other side of the planet that didn't come after them. "Master Soto, that is a confirmed order of no-go on pursuing the target?" Soto's cloak ruffled as she made her way off the command deck, calling out as she left: "Confirmed! Stay in orbit until Lord Bracknell and I return." She hadn't seen Varian pull a stunt like that since the day he had introduced her to the powers of the Master. Whatever had happened down there, she was sure that they could recover from this minor setback. After all, the galaxy was theirs now. No one could threaten that position. No one. __________________ [three hours later] "Manipulation of the weather? The planetary atmosphere itself? That is a technique only a handful of Masters have EVER accomplished, let alone sustained." Voldon stood in the common area with a flask of water brought to him by one of the younglings, who had been tasked to organize the supply drop that had come from in a smuggler who swore up and down that the warnings he was given by Neta were crazy, that it was calmer than any planet he had been on. Strangely enough, the atmosphere was rather calm when they had arrived a few hours ago. After the group had dispersed, Voldon found himself in an oddly pleasant discourse with Darth Jungze, who took the liberty of snacking on glazed peanuts while leaning back in a chair, holodisks and other materials retrieved from the planet laying at her feet in a chaotic order. "Well, think about it, Voldon: the atmosphere here was dreadful, but calm on the other planet we were on. After Bracknell's stunt, the atmosphere there is wild while ours is smooth? Something tells me that these two planets, maybe even all planets in this system are linked somehow by the Force." "That's...a radical notion." "And are we not living in radical times? If Bracknell can manipulate the minds and hearts of so many in both Republic and Empire space, could it be so much of a stretch to imply that he could manipulate weather?" "But for weather patterns to be linked? I've never heard of such a thing." "Neither have I, but I've seen stranger things happen when there's a strong concentration of Force energies on multiple worlds." Voldon joined her in sitting as he responded: "I'm curious to know where this master of Bracknell is." "That's what I was sifting through before you interrupted me." He snorted a laugh as he took a sip of water. "Well, anything conclusive?" "Somewhat. Let's wait for the rest of our party to decompress. Peanut?" ________________ Yerbol hadn't said anything to Roan or Aria when they returned, allowing Roan to carry her off and presumably talk her through what happened. While he had WANTED to be there for her, something told him to stay away for a while, to let them hash things out. After about three hours or so(some of which was spent rejoicing at Neta's new haul of supplies), he found Roan outside his room. "Can I see her now?"