Hatuum made a waving gesture with his left hand, indicating that the matter was essentially dealt with for him. [color=yellow]"As you can see, I have survived without suffering any physical harm. I think that is what counts on the bottom line ? I can understand that people feel uneasy when they see me and I am, though unfortunately, rather used to this kind of behaviour. However you can trust me that I don't intend and never had the intention to use my few extra feet and several hundred extra pounds to threaten you or anybody else. Even [i]with[/i] weapons it would be quite a bit foolish to do such a thing here, wouldn't it ? It would be overly daring to attempt this against an entire group of mercenaries in general, no matter the location."[/color] The man arched an eyebrow and spent several seconds on looking at Amiartys before continuing with the actual topic. [color=yellow]"So, a mercenary leader. Well..."[/color] Hatuum put his right leg on top of the left one. [color=yellow]"Than we are not that different after all. I too am a... mercenary... leader, with the exception being that my 'group' consists of only one member."[/color] Logic would dictate that this single and only member could only be Hatuum himself. It wasn't a lie after all - just a bit of an unprecise, generalized wording. He wasn't eager to completely and directly let Amiartys or any of his companions in on the fact that he was an assassin. [color=yellow]"I could imagine that one of the upcoming things could be either me asking if you'd have a job for me or you asking if I'd be willing to accept one."[/color] [@Blubaron45]