The group had whirled chaotically back into the base some hours later, Roan breezing past Ailel without so much as a grunt of affirmation which left the Jedi Master more than puzzled until Voldon and Kira came forward to fill them in on what had occurred during their encounter with Bracknell. A few glances were cast in the direction the Sith Lord had disappeared in before attentions were directed back to unloading the supplies that had just come in and trying to decipher the information their scouting party had returned with. ____________________ Aria had remained completely silent throughout the trip back, her eyes screwed tightly shut as she struggled internally to block out the memories that had begun resurfacing the moment Bracknell had summoned the likeness of her mother. She was hardly aware of how much time had passed or indeed where they were until Roan stopped moving and set her down again, Aria opening her eyes to find herself sitting on one of the cots back in her quarters at their base. Sniffing, she swiped the back of a hand over her eyes to clear the fresh flow of tears out of them before looking back up at her father. “Wh-What was….HOW d-did he d-do that?” Roan didn’t answer straight away, his face stony and unmoving as he seemed to ponder the explanation before he spoke very quietly. “He was there in the Council chamber when your trials were set. He would have known.” he leaned back against the wall, studying his daughter carefully as he continued. “If he’s in contact with this man who’s guiding the True Sith’s actions and he somehow had access to your memories, he’s perfectly capable of using his power to recall a Force ghost back into our realm for that time.” his eyes narrowed slightly, Roan muttered. “I was under the impression that you had come to terms with it long ago. I’m amazed that you kept this hidden from me, from the entire Council, for four years.” “You didn’t give me a choice!” Aria choked out, slumping back against the wall, “You told me there weren’t any other options!” “And there were not.” her father answered in a perfectly level tone. “The trials are a test of your loyalty to the Sith, Aria, it wouldn’t be a valid assessment if you weren’t faced with a choice between someone of importance to you and the instructions of your Masters.” “I wouldn’t expect you to understand.” she scoffed. “Did you even care about her at all? Was it that easy to just agree to it?” “Then perhaps I misjudged whether you REALLY were ready to commit yourself to the Dark Council.” Roan grunted, shaking his head. “I recommended that they put you up to the trials because I thought you understood that if you wanted to be one of us your loyalty to the Sith Code had to come above EVERYTHING else. Even those you are most attached to.” “You weren’t there!” Aria hissed, chin settled on her knees as she rocked forward slightly, then slumped back once again. “You didn’t have to watch the light fade out of her eyes. Sighing, Roan pulled a hand through his hair in agitation. This was something Aria would have to find her own way through, to find some way to accept what she had done to whatever end goal she chose, even if it wouldn’t be the same conclusion he had made long ago when he had chosen to devote himself to the Dark Council and their teachings. For whatever reason, he was forced to come to terms with the fact that Aria was not comfortable discussing the topic with him and that there might have been another among their group better suited to the job. ___________________ As he shut the door, he was faced with an awkwardly fidgeting Yerbol who peered expectantly over the Sith Lord’s shoulder and mumbled. “Can I see her now?” Roan looked between the Jedi Knight and the door once more before he shrugged carefully. “I highly doubt I could stop you if you were that determined to speak to her, could I, boy?” he grunted. “As much as I hate to acknowledge it, she may be more willing to talk to you than I.” the Sith Lord crossed his arms over his chest and scowled down at Yerbol sternly. “However, I will strongly caution you to reserve any righteous indignation you may feel about her actions for later. She’s very...fragile, right now.” with that said, Roan shuffled a few steps to the side to allow Yerbol access to the door, lingering only long enough to ensure Aria made no vehement protests to Yerbol’s entering the room. When no such sign came, he disappeared back down the hallway to rejoin the rest of the group and give the duo some measure of privacy.