[@TheUnknowable] Okay, I think this is pretty much done. Hopefully he isn't too much like other characters or not enough like Damian. I'm not sure if this is quite the type of character you're looking for, so just tell me if there's anything you'd like me to change. [hider=Damian Wayne] [center][h1]Damian Wayne[/h1][/center] [img]http://pm1.narvii.com/5872/cfa3705ab31c3d8b6e34bc5fff7e926369156e72_hq.jpg[/img] Super Name: None for now (was Robin…) Powers: No powers However, Damian is an exceptional martial artist. He has had some of the best teachers in the world, including the League of Assassins and Batman himself. In Damian’s own words, he is lightyears ahead of the other Robins. While this statement may not be entirely true, there is still no doubt that his skill matches even the best of Batman’s other pupils. He knows as many forms of martial arts as Batman, and his exceptional hearing allows him to fight without even being able to see his opponents. Atop of all this is Damian’s mastery of stealth and acrobatics, which is bolstered by his small frame. Technology: [list] Grappling gun Mask with infrared, night, and zoom capabilities Smoke bombs Flash bombs Remote hacking device Motorcycle [/list] (and for the “less advanced” equipment) [list] Katana Shurikens Staff [/list] Acquaintances: [list] Bruce Wayne: Batman (Father and mentor) Talia al Ghul (Mother) Ra's al Ghul (Grandfather) Richard Grayson: Nightwing (Friend/adopted brother) Alfred Pennyworth (Friend/Loyal butler) The entire bat fam (Friends) Jonathon Kent: Superboy (best friend, though he’d probably never admit it) James Gordon (Acquaintance) [/list] Personality: Upon first glance, Damian Wayne comes off as condescending and prideful. He has great confidence in his skill and ability, and often times this comes off as if he’s suffering from a superiority complex. While this is still somewhat true of him, years under the guidance of Batman has humbled him a little, as he has made mistakes, put other lives before his, and fought for justice. He is still blunt and brash, but his heart is in the right place. Aside from this and his defiance towards authority figures, Damian also has a strange love of animals. He has killed and even murdered people on occasion, but when it comes to taking the life of an animal, he refuses. Above all other things, Damian Wayne hates failure, especially in himself. He always has to be the smartest in the room, the strongest and fastest, and when he fails, it hits him hard. He has vowed to uphold and honor the legacy of his father and all the Robins that wore the uniform before him, and to him, failure is not an option. Bio: Born to Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul, Damian’s story is one that begins under the guidance of the League of Assassins. For the first ten years of his life, he was trained under the the guidance of skilled warriors and assassins, raised to practically idolize his grandfather and everything he stood for. However, this changed when he was sent to live with his father for the first time. Bruce Wayne was a skilled warrior, but past that, there weren’t a lot of initial similarities between he and Damian. Damian also took a quick disliking to the current Robin, Tim Drake. Drake was a skilled warrior, but Damian not only considered himself to be far more superior in skill, but also the rightful heir to the title. The two fought, and Damian was punished, but this only caused his resolve to grow, and he vowed to prove himself. Soon after this though, Damian was sent back to Talia in order to receive much needed medical treatment due to injuries sustained in an explosion, and he was trained by many skilled warriors while there. For a time, it seemed as if he would never go back to Wayne Manor, but after the supposed death of Batman, he not only returned, but decided to stay. After this, Dick Grayson took up the mantle of the Batman, appointing Damian as his Robin. This angered Tim quite a bit, and because he and Damian already had a tense relationship, Tim left, feeling betrayed. Dick and Damian went on quite a few missions together, and while Damian did learn some from this partnership, he found himself growing more frustrated by Dick’s decisions every day. At one point, he and the others attempted to resurrect Bruce in a Lazarus pit only to find that it was a maddened clone. Life continued like this for some time, until they met Sexton, a supposed best selling author and detective. Long story short, he turned out to be the Joker, and after Damian tortured him to figure out his plan, the Crime Prince incapacitated him and prepared to use him in one of his plans. Here though, the real Bruce Wayne arrived and saved him, taking up the mantle of Batman once again. Damian was allowed to keep the title of Robin, and the two proceeded to fight crime together. Damian’s relationship with Bruce was complicated. While they didn’t hate each other, they failed to understand one another. Damian was prideful, egotistical, and found killing and torturing his enemies to be acceptable. Batman disagreed with these methods, but instead of kicking him from his team, he allowed Damian to keep fighting alongside him, hoping that his morals would rub off on the boy. They did, slowly but surely. This was made apparent when through his actions leading up to his eventual death at the hands of a clone of his, the Heretic. Bruce literally had to rescue his body from Darkseid and revive him, and after that, their bond only grew. They continued to fight crime together, and with each encounter, Damian grew more wise and skilled. No longer was he the brash child he once had been. Now, he was Robin. One year ago, that all changed. The Justice League went up against their greatest challenge, which took the form of a man called Anarchy. Damian wasn’t given all of the details, but during one of the confrontations that ensued, Superman was killed by Lex Luthor. Damian’s entire world was turned upside down, and the life that he had built for himself began to shatter before his eyes. Anarchy seemingly took over the world, revealing the identities of every known hero. No longer could he and Batman hide in the shadows. Damian approached Bruce, asking him how they were going to fight back. What his father suggested shocked him: they were to lie and wait. Bruce said something about the importance of “Keeping your friends close and your enemies closer,” but for Damian, headstrong as ever, this sounded like a surrender. The two had a falling out, and in order to keep fighting the good fight, Damian fled from Wayne Manor, leaving his name and all his loved ones behind. For the next six months or so, Damian operated in the shadows, constantly moving, never letting himself stay in the same place long enough to get caught. He wore a new suit now, no longer going by the name of Robin, no longer really going by any name. He didn’t have a need for one now. It wasn’t like he was working with anyone. Damian was once training to be an assassin, and so he went back to it, hunting down villains and killing them. His main target was Anarchy though, the head of the snake. After a few months, he cooled off a bit, realizing there was some wisdom in his father’s plan. While he didn’t necessarily agree with it, he realized that on his own, no matter how good of an assassin he was, he would fail. He needed to approach his father, to try to persuade him to provide him with information, to help him find allies. It had been a while since they had seen each other, but there was no way he changed that much. He wouldn’t turn his own son into Anarchy. For better or worse, Bruce was and would always be Batman, the same way Damian would be Robin. That’s why Damian kept his symbol as a keepsake, the small golden R being his only possession that was seemingly worthless. To him though, it was more than that, more than just a waste of space or a cheap piece of metal. It reminded him of what he had done, how far he had come, and why he was fighting. [/hider]