[color=bc8dbf]"Well, that depends on the circumstance that you are great of a warrior as you look, though I have no doubts about your capabilities as such."[/color] Amiartys smiled. He then took a brief few seconds to examine the large man, he seemed friendly enough. Amiartys was quite good at reading people, though it took him a long way to get there. Practice and mastery takes time, which for Amiartys took around one hundred twenty seven years. Something about him seemed rather... Disingenuous on regards to his status as a 'mercenary leader' who led a guild of no one but himself. Perhaps he either wasn't as good as he could often came across as, or he was or the man had a tendency of hiding himself. Those were men Amiartys knew quite well, he for he had many in his company, all of which he had gotten to know after a while. Hatuum was rather impressionable by remaining rather calm during the whole ordeal that had just occurred a few moments before. Amiartys simply disregarded any negative notion of Hatuum, for only time would tell whether or not he was as dangerous as Mycandros had interpreted him as. Though something inside Amiartys told him that he was rather harmless despite his looks, amiable almost one could say. Amiartys cleared his throat to allow the uncomfortable silence be mitigated within those few seconds, pretending to get himself together after what the beautiful Amelia had just done to his now bruised throat. He had developed a method of recovering quickly many years ago, he just would rather use this method to cover any awkwardness in this conversation. [color=bc8dbf]"I am not necessarily so desperate for looking for any more company as if the person applying was some recruit in the Militia Guild or at some sort of gathering of fresh and any able-bodied men, yet I'm not entirely inclined to say 'no' to those who ask and are prepared to die by each other's side if that should ever occur, especially those with hardened experience which I hope you may have... Even if not all of them are not as disciplined."[/color] He turned again to the young Mycandros who returned another sheepish smile before sitting back and looking towards Hatuum. [color=bc8dbf]"I apologize for him once again. My men should learn that the first sword dawn should be mine."[/color] He said referring to the young Mycandros before continuing. [color=bc8dbf]"We are, again, but a small band of mercenaries, consisting of about twenty-two men not including myself. What you see now are only a handful of us. You see, time for mortal men is often valued higher than currency, rather should some of them spend it wisely."[/color] He reminded himself. Amiartys seemed rather eager to have this man by side, though he did not want this expression as he did with any other emotion. Another man to the company would be rather useful, especially such a man with great length and prowess. The only concern of him is that he had just met the man though he did seem rather modest and for that Amiartys could have some trust in him as a warrior fighting alongside him. Nonetheless, he had given it a consideration. [color=bc8dbf]"You seem that you would handle yourself in battle. If you wish, we could test your abilities and then could have you undergo training with us. Would you like that, Hatuum?"[/color] [@Fetzen]