[color=1a7b30][h2]Ike Riven- Frenzy Plant Camp[/h2][/color] Since they arrived back it was one surprise after the other. They fought a freakish monster that instilled hopelessness within them, then they come back and the games are over, after almost every guild bomb rushed their team and failed to get the job done. This entire event was nothing more than a stupid headache. Now the higher up that hosted the games were trying to please them with a stupid dance, well the might be enough to please Indigo. Growling to himself he would sit down near the edge of the camp and would hold his fists together. If he had the time then he would use it to get more use to his magic in order to get even more power from him. He would start drawing in the energy around him and would use it to form orbs above him. As he made more he would alter their shapes making all of them change shapes differently, this needed focus to keep them around and to keep moving in a circle above him. Changing the shape was something that might be interesting in combat, say someone dodged his attack, not only could he keep it chasing them, but he could alter its shape as he pleased to cut them off from dodging. He was also building the intake speed as well, he was doing all of this at the same time which required quite some focus from him. Mostly considering he had twenty orbs above him all taking on different shapes every five seconds, yet as more formed you could see all of them waiver for a moment before stabilizing. [color=92278f][h2]Malice Hardt- Dress shopping~[/h2][/color] Gazing at herself in a mirror, Malice would be trying on dozens of new dresses to try and calm herself from the anticlimactic end to the games. She currently sported a black dress with pink lace on it, she gazed at herself in the mirror and hummed happily to herself. [color=92278f][i]"I suppose this will suit me well for the ball later. If I can't win the last event, I'll win in fashion by a landslide."[/i][/color] she would think to herself deciding to purchase the dress, along with several other dresses, several shoes, along with several jewelry accessories. Merchandise that was nowhere near cheap, yet it was good being her since her guild master spoiled her. He gave her whatever she wanted and for good reasons, he used her plentiful magical power to keep the ship afloat. Well her and a couple others, but she knew she played the biggest part in keeping it airborne. With all her purchases complete she would leave the shop with a content smile on her face. [color=8882be][h2]Zephyr Hardt- Doing something Zephyrish[/h2][/color] With everyone going their separate ways Zephyr decided to take a stroll around the city. He was wandering around a bit bored and slightly bummed out. He was looking forward to fighting everyone, it was a way he could prove his growth and take a swing at that Indigo woman. Yet they were ended just like that and now they were waiting for the ball. Something Zephyr didn't really care that much for or even had the suit for such an occasion. If he was being honest with himself, he sort of figured he would be knocked unconscious by now. Yet what to do now was the biggest obstacle, he could always go bug Carrie. That usually provided some amusement when she got annoyed at him, gathering Prince together to go make Mikey put on suits. More so to watch Prince tease Mikey on being handsome in every single outfit he tried on..... Or he could just go train nonstop and forget about the ball. Would the master force him to go? Eh one way to find out. So Zephyr would activate his Engine takeover and would shoot off to find an area clear enough to get some training in.