[@1Hawkeyes] Mystery Lightly chuckled. "I think you and my sister would get along nicely. She is roughly around your size when human. And she preferrs to be human... Quick question. Before I left to find you guys, Spirit was walking towards your cabins. How do you guys set it up? Do you guy have roomates and you choose them or are they chosen for you?" He asked looking up at her his small deep black eyes sparkled slightly, "If so maybe you could get to be roommates with my sister and hear her background. I honestly know bits and pieces of it because we were separated for a long time... Heh..." He then changed his focus on the path ahead of him has he walks along his ears still perked up. "Weird thing about being a fox and being it so much you end up acting like one a lot, but sometimes when I try to change I don't comepletely change back and I end up keeping my tail and ears, same with my sister. It's quite weird because we have mastered changing into them but not changing back." He smiled friendly remembering the firat thing they tried to change together in front of each other. They were a huge mess back then, Sometimes he would even end up keeping the fur and paws, it was quite awkward because Sprit never did that. Now he thinks about it maybe he still can do thag, but probably not.