"Probably not," Kaye said, smiling at him as if oblivious to the who situation. "But you can count on me. I will talk to Basil...promise." She saw how serious Leith was, so attempted to keep a stoic expression. It was unclear if it worked but she did it anyways. Once Leith left, she looked over at Basil and walked over to him, hands on hips. "Mind telling what that was all about?" Jace wasn't particularly paying attention to where he was going as long as he was getting away. The fact still eluded him as to what the hell had happened but was mostly certain he had been drugged with something. Never would he have acted that way in front of Basil. He had most likely ruined everything with him and couldn't dare face him in this state. For some reason, even after he left his side he was the only thing he could think about. Oh how close he had come to kissing him... The thought brought an immediate blush to his cheeks and wanted to punch himself. Never would he have done something like that without the help of some unseen, otherworldly force in the works. "Repeat after me...'I am a fucking idiot...'" he muttered himself.