Basil stared at her, frowning. He then said, "I appreciate that you helped us. I've also...appreciated the company, despite the circumstances, but..." He shook his head. "No matter what Jace feels for me, I do not feel that way in return. Perhaps I could, with time and contemplation, but at the moment, I'm not interested in romance or anything of that relation. And I refuse to pretend as if I do." He then added softly, "And the world isn't so bad. And even if it really is, then it's our faults, not the world's. There are still so many opportunities to make things better. So why are they still so bad? Because people instead choose to keep hurting each other. That's the only reason." He stood. "Thank you for your concern, Kaye. But I'm afraid that you were assuming things." His jaw knocked to the side, Leith only smirked. He then said, "Eh...kinda been a long day. How about tomorrow, though? Give my radiation powers a few hours to charge up again, and you'll have a real challenge."