Freya couldn't help feeling a bit nervous if not foolish for making a request to spend more time with James. While she was almost positive that he would not object to being with her longer, it was still out of nowhere for her to ask him to divert from plans if he had already made some. Seeing that bright smile that James was known for, she relaxed. So, it was a mutual wanting then? She couldn't help giggling towards him as he teased her, and at the mention of blankets, she looked a bit surprised. [color=0072bc][b]"Oh? If I didn't know any better I would say you were going to take me stargazing anyway."[/b][/color] She was glad that they seemed to be on the same page. The evening was going so well, why end it prematurely? They arrived quicker than she thought they were, but she had not seen any signs that they were in a park like swing-sets, or even benches. She thought about asking about how he and Annie discovered it, but decided it wasn't a topic to really bring up. They parked and James was already at her door by the time she had gotten her seatbelt undone and smiled towards him, gladly placing her hand into his own, lacing her delicate fingers between his large ones. The night air was cool, and relaxing as they made their way towards James' intended destination. After the brush disappeared, it gave way to the sky, littered with countless amounts of stars that would otherwise be invisible in the city from all the other competing lights. Freya gasped, awe-struck. [color=0072bc][b]"James, this is beautiful!"[/b][/color] She whispered, moving forward as James laid out the blanket. Taking a few moments to let the evening air blow through her hair and fill her nose, she sighed in content. It really was something else. So much life and so much serenity just within moments of each other. She couldn't simply stand forever, though. Sitting beside James, she laid back, looking up at the stars. [color=0072bc][b]"Nothing really beats this view."[/b][/color] The way they could lay in comfortable silence between them was something Freya enjoyed. Not many could be right next to each other and not say anything before going mad. Being next to James was so relaxing, she was sure if they pulled the blanket ovre them she would have no issues going to sleep. Seeing James move over, blocking her view of the sky, she couldn't help returning his smile. [color=0072bc][b]"Yes?"[/b][/color] She tilted her head slightly, curious. Her cheeks flushed bright pink and her eyes widened at the question. [color=0072bc][b]"Y-You...You want to...k-kiss me?"[/b][/color] It wasn't like she had never thought about James in that fashion. She had definitely done so, and who could blame her? It was no secret that James was charming..Her eyes moved to gaze at his lips, curled up into a smile. Realizing that he did kind of have her pinned, her cheeks burned deeper. Had she been silent too long? Moving her hand to gently run her thumb across James' lower lip, she felt herself become embarrassed, a bit surprised at how soft they actually were against her skin. [color=0072bc][b]"D-Do you...feel as if that might be crossing a line that you might not be able to return back over?" [/b][/color] She knew James had expressed interest in wanting to pursue something with her romantically, but was also aware of his position. Maybe she was getting ahead of herself? A kiss didn't...mean that they, right? The evening had been wonderful so far, but even as she was asking James to be sure, she moved her hand to cup the side of his cheek, her eyes scanning his face, searching for something. There didn't seem to be an inkling of doubt in his eyes as he asked her permission. Nodding, she leaned up slightly. [color=0072bc][b]"Y-Yes, if...if you're alright with it."[/b][/color] As he moved in closer to her face, and she could feel his breath on her skin, she closed her eyes, leaning up to press her lips against his. As they made contact, she felt her whole body heat up, and her arm propped herself up, her free hand moving from his cheek to gently grip the fabric of the shoulder of his shirt. His kiss was so soft and gentle, as if he was scared to break her, or step too far. It seemed to be over before she realized. Pulling back, she took a moment, before looking up into his blue eyes. It was so pleasant..She wanted to experience it another time. [color=0072bc][b]"C...Can we do that again?"[/b][/color] She whispered, feeling shy.