[hr][hr][i][h1][color=cadetblue]Naoki Lee Yagami[/color].[/h1][/i][hr][hider=Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children OST - For the Reunion][youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTJnTxvS0F8[/youtube][/hider][hr] [b][code]Unknown_[/code][/b] Naoki couldn't remember how long he was bedridden from the side effect of his Premonition after he had used it on Lihn. Maybe it had been days, or even weeks - it was hard to tell how much time had passed, being locked up in such a place for as long as he could remember. It was the worst case of migraine he had ever gotten so far, and it didn't help that Hwee-Suan came in shortly after he had sent Lihn out of his dream, to intensify his agony with another beating for acting on his own without informing her about the change of plans. He wobbled to his feet, dragging his chained legs towards the table filled with calligraphy materials; on top of the stack of rice papers was the file of 'Vien Phan' he was given sometime ago. He gathered up the resources into the brown envelope, and carried it to his bed before spreading out its contents on the bed sheet. As he was sorting through the files, the door of his room was suddenly blasted open, and Shui Xian stormed through the scattered calligraphy papers on the ground towards the boy. "[i]You. Come here, now.[/i]" Naoki frowned at her. What did the Spirit of Water want with him? He knew she had never liked him ever since he was forced to take over his mother as the new figure of the Yin symbol. However, he wasn't given much time to contemplate her unannounced appearance as Shui Xian pulled him off the bed roughly, with her vice-like grip choking around his neck. "[i]Release him,[/i]" the lady ordered the two bodyguards, loyal servants to Polaris, and they marched forward, freeing Naoki's limbs from the chains that had locked his freedom with the despicable cult all these years. Naoki was too surprised to even move, even after the metal cuffs fell off his wrists and ankles with a noisy clang. "[i]...What's the meaning of this?[/i]" The confused look on the boy's face made the Water Spirit roll her eyes at him. "[i]Let's just say that the tide is turning... and you are the trump card that'd determine the outcome of this war. You should know this better than anyone else.[/i]" Naoki continued to watch Shui Xian with narrowed eyes. Even if she was probably after his power like Hwee-Suan did, that didn't explain her true motive for doing so. An ominous feeling that something big - and [i]bad[/i] - was happening. However... "[i]What exactly is going on? Where are you taking me?[/i]" "[i]Oh, be quiet, brat,[/i]" Shui Xian snapped to shut Naoki up. "[i]You're useless with just you alone. I'm actually doing you a great service to at least let you pay your oh-so-loving parents a visit. Of course, this favor would not come[/i] cheap[i].[/i]" She cupped a hand beneath Naoki's chin, to tilt his head up so that they were both looking at each other in the eye. "[i]So, are you coming with me, or not?[/i]" The staring contest seemed to go on for ages as the silence stretched on. Finally, Naoki dropped his gaze with resignation. "[i]...We have a deal. Let's go.[/i]" [hr] Reiji and Yui were both surprised when Naoki suddenly showed up before them, but even more when they noticed the person who brought their son here. Yui gritted her teeth and was about to lunge after Shui Xian... when her husband stopped her with an outstretched arm across her chest and shook his head. "[i]Always the cool-headed one, huh,[/i]" Shui Xian commented, not bothering to hide the sarcasm in her voice. "[i]That amount of self-control, coupled with the level of your mind control power, is what make everyone who knows what you're capable of fear you.[/i]" She snorted at the Yagami family, before she signaled her guards to unlock the cell door. The Yagami couple exchanged looks with each other; Reiji was the first to speak up, "[i]...Why are you helping us? What do you want from us?[/i]" "[i]I think[/i] you [i]know,[/i]" Shui Xian replied with a curt tone, giving the scarred man a piercing look. "[i]Even with your powers sealed away, I highly doubt that it has much effect at all to your acute insight into things you shouldn't know about.[/i]" Reiji opened his mouth; before he could say a word, Yui had chimed in, "[i]Oh, please. Save us all the ridiculous riddle talks. That old hag won't let you off so easily if she finds you here.[/i]" She refused to call Hwee-Suan her mother. No, she never had a woman like that as a parent. Rolling her eyes, Shui Xian scoffed, "[i]I could say the same for you all. If it wasn't for the powers you three possess, you'd be dead long ago and not here, trying to be smart with me.[/i]" Her guards removed the cuffs around the couple's limbs, but they left the suppressant collar as they were around their neck. "[i]If you've got so much time to waste, how about spending it on getting out,[/i] now[i]?[/i]" As the guards dragged the Reiji out of the cell, the man resisted, before he jerked his chin to a woman unconscious on the ground. "[i]...Wait. Take her with us, too.[/i]" "[i]Excuse me?[/i]" Shui Xian was getting very impatient with how carefree the Yagamis were even when they were in an urgent situation. "[i]She can be... useful,[/i]" Reiji said, unfazed at the Water Spirit's anger towards him. "[i]She works for the Japanese government... Asami Takashiro.[/i]" The name made Shui Xian froze, glaring at him with such intensity that her eyes seemed to be burning into his very being. "[i]Did you just say 'Takashiro'?[/i]" She narrowed her eyes at the still figure lying on the floor, and bent down to flip her over. The lady's face was gaunt, as if life force was slowly being sapped away from her, and her breathing was rasp, almost like she was having a painful nightmare. There was something awfully familiar about this woman's face and her name, but she couldn't quite recall just exactly who... yet. ...Whatever. She could save the questions after all of them were out of this place. "[i]Very well.[/i]" She gestured at one of the guards to carry Asami on his back. Naoki stepped forward to steady Yui with his father, and the odd group finally moved out of the cell. [hr] Meanwhile... Somewhere deep in the Polaris' base, someone was indeed watching their every move on the screens that filled up the walls in a control room of sorts. A man who appeared to be in his fifties, in a well-ironed pinstripe suit. He smacked his lips as his unblinking eyes fixated on the figures leaving the cell room where the cult had kept the Yagami couple. Pressing a button on the dashboard, he drawled into the mic with a scratchy voice, "[i]Oh, Hwee-Suan, it is finally happening.[/i]"