[@Rex] "Oh, you're one of those perverts." v2 said, landing heavily before him in what looked like a parking lot. "I though you were just a luddite. Now this feels kind of dirty." v2 looked him over. He didn't seem really hurt, which was worrying, and despite having yet to display any sort of ability like the others v2 didn't doubt that this guy knew how to take apart a robot. Really, this was the logically the worst possible opponent he could have picked out for himself. He wasn't thinking with his head right now, though. This was his heart, or at least the lines of code in his head that anticipated what the heart might feel, and his heart was telling him to deck this guy like the good little shonen protagonist that he was. Damn this heroic programming of his. [i]"It's really going to feel good beating him, though, so enjoy it."[/i] Another aberrant thought, but also not a one he could honestly deny. v2 walked with an affixed swagger toward the guy, keyblade resting comfortably on his shoulder. "How could you tell I'm a robot anyway? Billions has been spent on making sure people don't think I'm a robot. Literally. Billions. I'd love to see the look on the old guys faces when they learn I have a tell."