[color=7CFC00]Now, for the first actual OOC comment! (at least it is, as I'm typing this) If that flavor intro seemed a little disjointed, it's because I've chopped it a bit; taking away the part that would've made it very similar to the Interest Check's [i]Prologue?[/i] section. (which I suggest you check out, if you haven't) I cut that out to actually make part of the introductory post with. Setting up [i]Darius[/i] was kind of an interesting thing, but I think it would've given away a little too much to have it be from the [i]Observer[/i] and [i]Mahin[/i]'s perspective; so I'm going to leave that by the wayside, for a while, and add a little bit more mystery to the whole thing. I'm getting to work on my character after I go eat. I...uh...haven't done that, today. Edit: As per the usual, I'm way open to questions or anything of the sort. I didn't say that above, so I might as well say it here. Pshehe.[/color]