Oh, I see, then let me offer up an explanation. As you said, what she has described in that excerpt is mostly in past tense, that much should be enough, I thought. Another detail that I think was overlooked a bit, is in how she says she cannot act on her own, even in the case of what can be assumed extreme danger to Eden, and must seek new orders from the council before anything else. With this, and since it seems to hold this 'Oracle' above herself, even though she is such an important figure in how things aboard Eden operate, it can be safe to assume that this person is part of this 'council'. Of course, not all people would care have this kind of rigged, deductive thinking, as this is still casual, so I can't expect anyone to want to dig this deep into dialogue. In the vein of the Souls series, I allowed it very much to be up to how anyone may interpret these things. TLDR; I over-complicate things too much. Whether your character may misinterpret this information is fully up to you.