[quote=@The Elvenqueen] I also like to keep a notepad and pen on my nightstand just in case I have a cracking dream and wake up in the middle of the night full of RP ideas I need to jot down XD [/quote] I'd do this if I didn't suffer from some sort of weird condition where the moment I wake up I instantly lose any memory of parts of my dreams that'd be useful to my writing, and [i]only[/i] those parts of my dreams. All I wake up with is the knowledge that I had a lot of great ideas that'll never be used. This is pretty much every morning for me. I'm able to remember pointless dreams to an extent, and nightmares can sometimes be vivid enough in my memory that they're indistinguishable from my real past, but remembering something helpful to my projects? [i]Nope[/i]. Anyway, I've got an unhealthy amount of notepads on my desktop (and on USBs) and physical notes on paper (which are mostly unreadable due to my physical health conditions rendering writing directly exceedingly painful -- typing hurts too, but is more manageable), relating to a variety of ideas but mostly for my main story project. I don't have the time or energy right now to really answer the rest of this thread in any detail.