“Ah, you’re awake.” Melanie looked to her right to see a middle-aged man dressed in white standing by the wall. “How long have I been here?” she asked with a weak voice, very well remembering the incident that had occurred earlier. “Only a few hours, Dr. Larson. We ran some tests during that time and it looks like you’re in the clear from long-term or permanent damages.” He turned to one of the screens next to him to key in some information. “You’re also up for discharge as soon as you have the strength to—“ “Will that take long?” “Not at all. It varies by person, but the average is 1 to 2 hours. The medications we’ve given you just need to run their course.” He gave her a smile after looking at his watch. “Is there anything else you need Dr. Larson?” “May I have some water, please?” “Of course. Someone will be here with that in a minute.” Melanie watched as the man left the room. Her neck was still tender, and her body felt like weighed a thousand pounds from whatever chemicals they’d pumped into her, but nonetheless, she was eager to get back on her feet again. Even though this whole mess had been an accident, Melanie wanted to have a few words with TreVayne regarding his trigger-happy guard. Maybe protocol called for weapon usage in such small confines which were additionally occupied by innocent bystanders, but if it didn’t, then at the very least, the guard would have to be verbally reprimanded. Melanie looked up again when she saw someone enter the room. “Here’s your water, Dr. Larson,” a young woman placed the glass of water on a bedside table barely big enough to hold a couple of books. “Thanks.” The woman turned around without saying another word. Before she was gone, though, Melanie realized she could get a head start on some of her work. “Excuse me, ma’am? My apologies for bothering you again, but would you be kind enough to bring me my belongings? There are some things I’d like to take care of.” “Right away, Dr. Larson.” The young woman left without hesitation, but she returned just as quickly with Melanie’s bag. After Melanie thanked her, she was left alone with some much desired privacy. She decided it was time to send the message to TreVayne regarding everything that had happened earlier. [i]Chief TreVayne, I hope all is well. Please note that the preliminary assessment on Ms. Chizuru Yama-uchi was completed and will very shortly be added to case file #11-A2. I would like to have a meeting with yourself and Admiral Locke to discuss whether we move forward with the candidate as well as what options are at our disposal should she be denied for your department. On another note, I would like to have a 1-on-1 with you regarding one of your guards. It’s in reference to the incident that occurred earlier today. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at your earliest to arrange the meeting times. All the best, Dr. M. Larson[/i] After Melanie sent the message, she closed her eyes for a moment. The fact that she'd been awake for about 10 minutes didn't seem to matter as she still felt extremely drowsy. But maybe all she needed was just to rest a little bit more...