Spirit was out like a light, her arms and legs were crossed as she slept with a sweet and innocent smile on the middle step on the middle cabin that led up to the door. Her and her brothers bags proped up her feet since she fell asleep sitting up. Her white silky hair off to one side over her right shoulder, it gently flowed whenever the breeze picked up. Same goes for her blue tennis skirt that she decided to wear that day with a white long sleeved collared shirt and blue corset. She softly hummed a random song that she remembers her mother singing to her and Mystery when they were younger. "Mine has to be black and Navy Blue" Mystery said has he troted along with his new friends into the camp grounds and looked over in the direction of his sister where he saw her asleep. "Well isn't that just like her... She is such a little kid," He sighed, "Thats my twin sister over there on the steps of one of yoir cabins. If you would like we can go over there and meet her. I think she would be happy to meet you guys." He chuckled then looked away with a smile of fear and awkwardness thinking of what she may do when she wakes up, thankfully he plans on staying his fox for that. He looked up at Helena then at Ed waiting for their reply and noticed that Ed has white hair. Mystery's eyes widened at noticing this and quickly turned away before beginning to mentally panic, [i]Shoot! What if when she wakes up, all she sees is Ed's white hair and thinks it's me and hugs him or worse. Slap him... I'm pretty sure hugging him would be way worse because of... The things... Dang I niw just noticed how weird my sister can be[/i] he thought his eyes flicking from Ed to Spirit to the ground to the sky. [@1Hawkeyes][@SoulEater]