Ona's sweet smile returned to her face. She was always good at that... putting on a happy face no matter what was going on. It was a wonder that she ever smiled though really. Certainly she knew that smiling would eventually cause wrinkles. The smile never quite reached her grey blue eyes either. There was a sadness to those eyes that never seemed to fade or falter. She followed his gaze to her drink and half laughed, waving him off. [color=bc8dbf]"I barely touched it Jules... really I'm fine."[/color] She gave herself one last check over before gracefully accepting the open door and heading towards her car. She could consider the ways and reasons why this interaction went wrong, but her mind had already shifted to her work. It was always best to drown herself with work rather than face unpleasantness. She would review the files, prepare a preliminary report, and categorize them based on initial assessments. Then when Jules came in tomorrow he would find that they were all ready for review, which he could do while she contacted them in order to call them in for interviews. Yes, the idea that she could complete all of this single highhandedly, even on a day off, gave some form of satisfaction that was enough to keep her returning, keep her in line. She was perhaps the last person on any potential list of converts or deserters that may have existed. She had nothing left but the company. As they approached her vehicle to the light ticking sound of her heels tapping the smooth floor of the parking garage she paused and turned to wish Jules farewell. [color=bc8dbf]"Thank you for having me. I shall have to return the favor sometime... perhaps next weekend. Get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow."[/color] She leaned in to give him one of those strange, cordial hugs where nothing but their hands really touch you. The space between them grew somehow colder than the air around them. She placed the lightest of kisses on the edge of his cheek before turning to the car.