So, I've got [@Xan the G]'s portion done. [@c3p-0h] and I are going to work on a post (or a couple posts) together. I've just got to make a response for [@Kymera], and then I'll be caught up. I sent a PM to [@LegionPothIX] so that we might discuss some things. Giving [@Prints Avoid] time to sort out personal life. Not expecting a post (just wishing you don't disappear xP) Assuming [@DepressedSoviet] is no longer with us. I'll add the new character I introduced in my last post at some point. Might not do it until later when I feel like it, however. xP Just wanted to make a little list so I know what I'm doing and the rest of you know what I'm working on/understand at this point. [hider]By the way, does anyone want to help me fill out my Pokedex by trading version exclusives/trade evolutions that I actually have prepared?[/hider]