*James would walk along with the group, though mostly to his own end currently as Neric nestles himself on his shoulder. Petting the Void's wing gently as he speaks the being softly, trying to keep their chat to a low key to avoid anyone else hearing* [color=yellow]"Think everything is going alright? Just confused and trying to think on everything."[/color] *What with everything going on and suddenly everyone heading back to camp, understandable since Mystery's sister is alone there. Usually James wouldn't mind Neric heading off to someone, but if they were returning then it wouldn't matter much anyway if he sent him now or not. Looking around at everyone as his Void speaks up quietly* [color=black]"Everything will be fine James, just the usual chaos of the first day in anything. I mean same thing for going to a new school or joining a new club or whatnot. Just try to breath and calm down James."[/color] *James nodding as he looks ahead, Neric flapping his feathers a bit before calming down. He was still thinking on everything, Everyone knowing about Neric, Mystery now appearing and who knows who else and him thinking on Cecilia's blush after touching James's hand. Maybe she was just embarrassed that it happened, that she was petting where he was. That has to be it, though part of him was curious if it was something else. Only time will tell about the camp and everyone here*