[quote=@AnaSilan Sunja] [@Thecrash20] "as the Psychopomps do not recognize any spiritual beings, all other creations are abominations of humans fooled by their thirst for power." Someone in the Interest Check has made a character that is somewhat of a norse-demigod, no human about him, and another is a being made from curiosity and negativity. How would your character view them? Also, I like your reasoning for marking him as oblivious! [/quote] Firstly thank you and he would think their probably full of shit and just a human with magic. But Id like to make a point that it's just what they think. That's my fault for not emphasizing that his kind does not [i]recognize[/i] any other true super natural entities(Gods, Angels, Demons, what have you). Of course others exist. They think their the only ones since their a part of nature not really a being, since everything eventually dies. Which when you think about it, that opinion is absolutely false. If they are the only Super Natural beings, how did magic become a thing? Wouldn't some outside force of nature have to be used to cause this? Animals don't use magic and people can't just pull it out their ass or create it, because then it would be technology and science not magic. So basically their view are false because their a bunch of pompous assholes(This was made on purpose cause well...PyschoPOMPS. [i]Heh [/i]Get it?). It also why in his personality he acts challenging to other being that act arrogant. He believes he is the only real supernatural being and all others are abominations caused by humans.