[u][color=1E90FF][center][h2]P R I V A T E A T L A S O R V I L L E[/h2][/center][/color][/u] [b]"Clark! Orville! Hop to it!!"[/b] Smythe ordered over the sound of arterlly shell landing near by. Everyone hits the deck to avoid major damage, the sound of explosions ringing in their ears. Smythe quickly pat himself down, checking to see if he lost any body parts. Thankfully, he didn't but he still felt a sharp pain of the gunshot wound he got earlier. Gritting his teeth, he gets to his feet, grabs his rifle and charges forward. [b]"Let's go! Get off yer ass' and send the imps packing!"[/b] Atlas' head pounds over and over but the sound of Smythe's shouting cut through the pain. He grabs his assault rifle and shakes Sue. [color=1E90FF][b]"C'mon Sue!" [/b][/color] He assists Sue to her feet but the look on her face shows disorientation. [color=1E90FF][b]"Hang in there, we gotta end this!"[/b][/color] [i]"R-ri[/i]ght. End it. R-ro[i]ger[/i]." Even her voice was shaky. [color=1E90FF][i][b]'Has to be a concussion. I'll have to keep her close. We're almost done'[/b][/i][/color] They follow behind Smythe and prepare to charge in when the scouts do their thing The grenades flew and before they land, Atlas takes aim and readies to charge in with Sue. He hopes, in the back of his mind, that she isn't too banged. He hopes, with all of his heart, that Joe still lives. He put those thoughts aside and steels himself for battle.