[quote=@Cuccoruler] ok I hate to be devils advocate but I gotta ask. What do you think the difference between a casual rp and a advanced rp is? Cause what [@xenocyanide] seems to want to me is an advanced rp. This is casual isn't it? Didn't we all come here to have fun? [/quote] A casual RP bridges the gap between accessible fun and controlled story structure. Advanced RPs require a deep understanding of literary technique, which entails impeccable grammer, quality writing skills, and good storytelling ability. You have to consider not just how good your individual post is, but how it fits into the greater whole of the tale. I can pull that off in a pinch, but it's a lot of work. Casual takes a load off without sacrificing too much of the story, at a cost of reduced post quality. A downside of casual RP is that stories can more easily go off the rails into dead ends. EDIT: What Xeno said.