As the water continued to trickle in Water continued to hyperventilate. [i] Don’t lose it Walter, keep yourself grounded… just keep yourself grounded.[/i] He was shaking slightly but it wasn’t from the chilly slush rising around him. His gaze suddenly shifted to the newly discovered passage when it was opened. “Maybe that’s a way out?” he muttered, slowly stepping towards it in order to get a better look. There was something about the unknown possibilities though that made him skeptical. Glass eyes look from one door to the other, one open and dark whilst the other was still tightly shut. “There’s no telling… and we really don’t have time to think about it too much. We just need to make a decision, one door or the other?” Rosaline piped up, wading through the water. As she passed Walter she could almost hear a soft humming noise coming from his direction. The woman looked over at him, taking note of the panic in his features. Her lips part momentarily, about to assure him that everything will be alright, but she knows she can’t promise that. Alexandria looks around at everything happening, her mind reeling as she tries to come up with some sort of helpful advice. She honestly did not remember this room though, so she had nothing to say.