[h3]* * * * *[/h3] Hot mists billowed up from the ground like pillars, forming an awesome skyscape of cloud and water. The Djinn led the way, both in direction and pace; Sometimes he performed sweeping dives through the geyser plumes, neither watching nor caring for the comfort of his guest. If Phi couldn't keep up with his flight, then she wasn't worth his time. [b]"Once again, Painter, I must question your motives in this exchange."[/b] Viscount Phlegethon spoke evenly and assertively, even as his cloudy body flew at tremendous speed over the volcanic plateau. [b]"Should I ignore your words entirely, and establish myself as an elemental prince in your so-called 'Holy Land' without assistance, reigning or tormenting as I alone please, what then of your plans? What stand you to gain from such ostensible generosity?"[/b] It was tricky for Phi to resist teasing the elemental with her speed. A gentle cruise for the avatar would be breakneck to mortals. Even djinni. She nearly giggled. [color=cornflowerblue]"If the idea is so appealing to you, o Viscount, then for the good gods' sake, do it!"[/color]