[@The1Rolling1Boy][@1Hawkeyes] When he spoke he noticed that Mystery was a little jumpy, but he did agree to be his roommate. Edmond's eyes sparkled at his agreement. He really was excited that Mystery wanted to share a room with him, and he wondered if it'll just be him and Mystery. Helena, out of no were asked what their favorite color was. It seemed that she was trying to make conversation, so Edmond just went along with it. [color=fff200]"Well, my favorite color has to be red. The reason for that is it's the color of my eyes.[/color] He actually has always liked the color of his eye, even though they were strange. Suddenly he spotted a girl with bunny ears laying down in front of the cabin he had picked. Mystery mentioned that she was his sister. Edmond then looked at the girl then back to Mystery. They both had white hair and were pretty slim. The girl looked like she was haveing a rather good sleep, but it looked quite unconvertable laying down on the step of the cabin. He then saw Mystery with a question in his eyes as he continued to look at Edmond and his sister. Edmon really didn't know why, so he just walked up to his sister who was sleeping peacefully.[color=fff200]"I'll move her into a bed so she doesn't catch a cold out here."[/color] He crouched down and put one arm around her head and the other around her legs. He picked her up with ease and held her bride style and looked down at her sleeping face.