[center][h1][color=8dc73f]Chance[/color][/h1][/center] [center]Outside the Pokemon Lab - Beryllium City[/center] [center]Talking with Lusitania ([@1Charak2]), Sadie ([@alexfangtalon]) and Leo ([@Alder]).[/center] [hr] Where to go... he thought to himself, tapping his pen on the map befo- oh, some guy just appeared out of nowhere? He'd look over at them ... [color=007236]"Mind if I take a look?"[/color] ... he paused for a moment... looking over at them, smiling. [color=8dc73f]"Yeah, sure! My name is Chance by the way..."[/color]. As the two of them looked over the map, the shiny little skitty in his lap would hop up, energized once more, [color=ed145b]"Mew?"[/color], [color=007236]"I think heading to the Amalgam university would be a good place to start. I've been meaning to look for some good bug pokemon for awhile now."[/color] Blitzy, the little skitty, would hop from Chance's lap and onto his shoulder, curiously looking over at the other trainer, hopping upon Leo's shoulder and purring. Chance would look up from his map for a moment to look at BLitzy, chuckling to himself. [color=8dc73f]"Heh, Blitzy whatcha doin' up there?~"[/color] He'd turn his head, taking his attention back to the map. [color=8dc73f]"Yeah, that could work... from route 9 to the university... maybe even visit the reserve, go through route 10... take a stop in damascus town... route 11... then the temple, and from there- through route 17 to solder cave!"[/color] As he spoke he'd mark the map with the blue pen. If he was going to travel with a group it looks like he's going to have to take a long detour to reach solder cave... but hey, that's fine. It's better to travel in a group of people, plus- ...do I even know how to catch pokemon? ... [color=8dc73f]"guess I could get some help..."[/color]. [img]http://i.imgur.com/y86ziSu.jpg[/img]