Yerbol held her close to him as she recounted her memories of her mother, the apathy of her father and the overall turbulence of her emotions when it came to the subject. Guilt, sorrow, anguish, remorse and a whole other host of feelings whipped around her mind, Yerbol feeling the weight on Ari's shoulders along with aforementioned emotions, albeit surely not as strongly as she did. It was difficult to share the burden of her past sin(s) on his shoulders, but not because he didn't want to; it was that it almost physically pained him to know that she of all people was put into a position where her loyalty would be judged based on assassinating a family member(who, Yerbol assumed, had some sort of political affiliation with a group or person that the Dark Council wanted out of the picture? It didn't seem out of character.) After her profession and a few more moments of quiet, she left his side and returned him back to the present. A wise move considering that they might've thrown a bit of a wrench into Bracknell's plan, giving them some time to discuss how they were going to strike back at Bracknell's new order. He didn't want to leave, but there would be a lot of time to talk after the galaxy was put back into order...or some semblance of it anyway. As he reached the door, Aria flashed a smile, a genuine, beautiful smile that almost made his knees wobble(stop that!). Her sentiment was returned quickly: "That's a two way street. Without you here, I'd be...well, I'd be a wreck. You've helped me in so many ways and I'm very, very grateful for you, too." He patted her on the back, sighing as he used his other hand to open the door. "I have a feeling we're going to walk into a meeting they already started. We're forming a habit of doing that." ____ "Roan, that's rather brilliant if you ask me. And I don't compliment you very often." Jungze shot Roan a smirk, pointing at a massive square projection in the center of the room, said projection emitting from a very tiny rectangular device in the center of the main area. On the "screen" were, upon close inspection, names that were connected with lines and arrows that pointed in various directions. These genealogies took up the left hand side of the screen while the right had a large column of text pulled from one of the holodisks jammed into the projector at an awkward angle. Assembled in front of the screen were the Masters and Lords along with Neta and Elara(lords in their own right). As the younger duo joined the crowd, Jungze followed up on her comment: "Since we've all gotten our bearings since our excursion, I believe it would be best to brief you all on the information we found." She stepped forward and pointed at the right side of the screen. "With some help from Roan, we cracked some of the more difficult language that the True Sith employed in their writings. While they did indeed in write in Basic, there were phrases that I wasn't familiar with. Language troubles aside, allow me to read you what self-proclaimed historian of the True Sith Junoco Mane had to say about government within the Order: [i]While there have always been competing factions jockeying for power, the Council has always stayed true to ensuring that the most practical, realistic issues are dealt with. Eight Council members always reside, with each having equal voice. When a decision is proposed, communal with the Force along with sometimes heated discussion ensues before a mutual consensus is made. In dire circumstances when action is required, each Council member reserves the right to act as they see fit as long as their actions only further the goals of harmonization across the galaxy. [/i] Does the tone sound familiar at all?" Yerbol quickly piped up: "Sounds like a textbook, almost like a primer for up and coming members of the Order." "Precisely. What we took back with us were the last remaining chapters of a treatise entitled 'Order for the Initiate'. It appears that they were to study this material intensively along with other information in the library you two stumbled upon." "That lines up with the theory you two proposed earlier about the temple being a training ground for new Force users." After validating the duo's suppositions when they first regaled the makeshift "Council" with their story, Voldon added: "We know that there was indeed a Council, that Council being formed by a man named Renso Kator. There's a" He walked next to Jungze and swiped downward to reveal a different block of text. "You can read it for yourselves, but in summary, Kator was one of the first documented True Sith Masters. He formed much of the teachings of the Order and carried them forward until...well, I'll have Roan explain how this ties to the genealogies."