[center][color=lightgreen][h2][u]Sage Monsoon[/u][/h2][/color][/center] [hr] Sage nodded at Morgana's assessment of heading to Arsenic Island to start with. She did have some valid points in that her Pokemon had no real advantage where he planned to go, but neither did they have any real weakness to the Pokemon native to the area. And besides, there were other advantages to going in that direction. [color=lightgreen]"Well, look at it this way- we both need more Pokemon. Pretty desperately, as a matter of fact, if we're going to accomplish anything in this League. I'm heading to Arsenic Island because Rey here has an advantage against them, and because Poison gives me some needed coverage against certain types. I mean, there's even a Fairy gym here, for crying out loud... Sorry, rambling again. The point is, Arsenic is easiest for me, but we can go a different direction if you're not 100% confident in going east, or if you maybe wanted some different type of Pokemon."[/color] He shrugged, then started to move away. [color=lightgreen]"I have to go sign up, myself, but after that, we can go. Hold up for just a sec."[/color] With that, Sage shuffled over to the League sign-up, where the line was much shorter now, given that he'd waited a while before registering. He chuckled lightly to himself- for once, being lazy had its advantages. After a brief wait, and signing his name into the system, he shuffled back to Morgana, smiling slightly. [color=lightgreen]"So, that's all taken care of... want to head out now?"[/color] [@Brose]