The rest of the ride was mostly Tyler checking his equipment to make sure everything is in place. When they boarded the Zodiac's he placed himself in a position where he could quickly straddle one side of the boat so he could be in a position to cover an angle of their approach. By the time they were approaching their insertion point he'd pulled his tactical glasses down to shield from any spray, and was laying over the gunwale of the Zodiac, rifle pointed ahead scanning their arrival point. He followed his squad leaders lead. It's the only thing he could do until such time as they were told to attack, or beat a retreat. He kept his gaze off in the direction he had been assigned, making sure no one crept up on them as they moved into position. He's an NCO, he actually works for a living. And CBRN specialist at that. Quite a few people in the unit outranked him and the Corporals and privates beneath him. He didn't feel at all alone in the unit thanks to this. Either way he was just glad to do this part in this situation. And hoped to the creator he didn't have to resort to his specialty anytime soon.