A breathless hush fell over the stadium for several seconds, the audience waiting to make sure the epic battle was really over. "And the winner is BECKY, Avatar of Groudon!!" The still stadium instantly erupted into a flurry of noise and activity. Groudon was a fan favorite, and even though the cavern only held about fifty people, the echoing cheers echoed loudly. Mayor Mayer hollered the loudest, proud to see a legend of his own region come out on top. Emry clapped cheerfully, glad her acquaintance had won... and, honestly, that all the chaotic violence was over. Of course, there were also plenty of people disappointed by the outcome, but they still applauded the amazing battle. Justine appeared to be one of those people... she was looking intently at Alain with her customary neutral expression when Vuduin glanced over. Several medics rushed onto the field the second they deemed it safe. A couple ran over to tend to Rebeca's wounds. The teen was barely standing, but she refused care, more concerned about the Avatars she had beaten. A few medics assessed Alain's wounds while one prepared a Revive. In a flash of impossibly fast movement, the medic was on the ground. Blood... and possibly brains?... splattered out ten feet from his head. A tall figure in a hooded gray cloak stood over the man, one deep brown fist extended from a punch. In the timeless beat of stunned silence, the man took a deep breath. [h2][b]"AVATARS! LEAVE THE CITY [i]NOW!![/i]"[/b][/h2] A shockwave pulsed out with his booming voice, knocking back many of the volunteers and colliding with the cameras. One camera's lens completely shattered, leaving only its audio. Another's audio was destroyed and the lens damaged, leaving a fuzzy black-and-white view. An alternation between these half-functional cameras was all the outside world would ever witness of the chaos to follow. Dozens of popping lights flashed as volunteers sent out their Pokemon. The cloaked man had just started scooping Alain up when an Electrike bit his leg. Several more Pokemon converged on the newcomer. Other Pokemon rushed to surround the Avatars in the audience, waiting for them to make any move that could suggest alliance with the cloaked man. [i]What the fuck is going on [b]now?[/b][/i] Rebeca thought blearily. She stepped forward to help Alain. Then a loud crack pierced through the commotion, followed by a few screams of terror. Rebeca glanced toward the sound to see Mikhail running to brace a cracked wall on the verge of collapse. [i]Shit... shit...SHIT![/i] The Avatar stumbled to the wall just in time to help Mikhail hold it up. Her sore muscles screamed from the strain... whatever madness was happening all around her, those people had better find a new place to do it soon if they didn't want to become pancakes.