[@13org] [@Vas Khaleen] [@josephb] The dwarf and Man were never to meet in battle, for as the elf moved deeper into the small corpse of woods, the ground gave the echo of several feet and a stench was carried on the air. No longer masked by the heavy rain and darkness that had allowed them to get so close. Swords battered aside the branches as a troop of orcs descended upon the encampment. Some already had blood on their swords, explaining what had happened to the sentries. Darcyn's men rallied against them but it was too weak and they were taken by surprise. With battle cries the battle was met. Women and children, the farmer folk, rushing from their shelter to flee the threat of Sauron's blight. Horses panicked and bolted, oxen doing the same. The poor Master of the caravan was bundled in his wagon, and from the squealing pig like sounds was in quite the panic. If anyone had the mind to notice, they would see the Orcs were not ill equip. But wielding weapons of decent make and with some good deal of skill. A few were rougher but they were smaller, and oft knocked aside by their own as their enemy. Were it not raining, they would see a cloaked figure sitting upon a horse on the ridge of a hill watching the presumed to be massacre. The dwarves were a blessing here, rallying and holding a strong guard against the onslaught. Darcyn held his own against one, kicking one of his men into another to spare himself. The man was shaking with terror like any farmer as he hurled insults at the [i]yrch[/i]. Elsewhere in the forest, Lath was bolting for the camp. Hearing the war cries and terror within the screams, she was keen to reach her hide away and the belongings inside. She could go on, but it would be easier with tools. Especially her beloved bow. Hunting, protection. It held a lot of her hopes in a cold winter or hard trail. When food was scarce and begging wasn't bringing in anything. Her aim wasn't always true, but it was good enough to ensure some food at least. Having abandoned her hood, she let the rain dampen her hair and trickle down her back. Stumbling she bounced from tree to tree. Unaware of a threat coming up quickly behind her, as a orc closed the gap. Smelling elf and wanting a piece of the rare delicacy to himself.