James had spent the entire dinner thinking about this very situation. He would have to be able to separate his work life from his personal life. Could he really consider himself her ‘boyfriend’ while he was being her butler? Would he be her boyfriend after a single kiss? Well… it’s something he didn’t share lightly but would she want to continue to share this with him? Where does this place them? Would he officially ask her to be his girlfriend? Would they be able to find a middle ground? How would she want it? Or should he wait and make sure it’s something she would want… this could, could be asking a lot from someone. However, her gentle hand against his skin and her finger running along his fine lips made him shiver. He was already nervous enough as is and here she was just touching away leaving him in silence. His body shivered a bit at her gentle touch and he began to shake slightly in nervousness. Was the long pause a no?? Then why would she be touching him like this? She wasn’t answering him… internally he began to panic. Did he ask for something too soon? Did she think he was weird? Did she not have a good time? Was he misreading her actions towards him and he really was just a friend to her? Then she answered. She [i]finally[/i] answered, her voice breaking the silence that was tensing him for so long. A gentle smile spread across his face and he leaned down slowly, gently pressing his lips against hers. Time froze around them and it was just a gentle kiss that felt more electrifying and intoxicating than anything he had ever experience. The kiss didn’t last very long because he didn’t want to be greedy so he pulled back letting out a small happy sigh and couldn’t fight the smile that had spread across his lips showing his straight white teeth. His deep dark blue eyes looked soft down at her. However, her reaction was unexpected and that surprise was easily read on his face with his wide eyes. His body shifted slightly with a nervous twitch though he couldn’t get the smile off of his face. “As you wish.” He responded softly as he leaned down. His kiss was feather-light, a gentle tender kiss as if he was handling something important to him that he wouldn’t ever want to hurt. His body shifted, leaning against one of his forearms and while the other one gently held onto her cheek. He was holding something very precious to him and he kept all of his actions gentle and soft. She was delicate and he had no intention on chasing her off with too much affection and aggressiveness. But he left some space in between them in case she wanted to pull back but as of now, he was just enjoying the feeling of her tender soft lips against his. Something he had wanted for… for, a very long time.