[@The1Rolling1Boy] As the people keep chanting for someone to help the poor people stuck under the car, there are still cars coming by. One speeds through the road, not quite paying attention to what is happening. A split second after he finally looks up, he slams on the brakes, but is a bit too late. His car starts spinning out of control from the ice on the road. He slams into Nona, trapping her between the wall that blocks the other side of the freeway. The car slams into her stomach. Glass shards are fused into her skin as she bleeds profusely. Her lower spine cracks and her organs have turned into mush. Blood spews from her mouth. The magical girl outfit she wears slowly fades away as her real human persona is revealed. The cute frilly outfit is completely good along with her powers. On the new phone, her name is crossed out and turned to grey. The word 'deceased' is right next to the name. She is now dead in a completely different country miles away from home. The driver of the car is nowhere to be found. There is nothing but a puddle of blood in his seat and glass shards.