[@Hippocamp] Well not really Death wasn't exactly thrilled with them. And technically the writers did not expect to go past season 2 (Good job on them eh) And God had been playing chuck for quite some time. And he did say he wasn't really getting involved Heck at one point he's even in a survival type situation saying to hoard toilet paper instead of going out and actually stopping it And with the vampires it was not really two against one And the reapers really hate them so hard Anyway....honestly a hunter can be done without the divine Von Helsing did not have the divine Hansel and Gretel witch hunters (that movie) did not have the divine But really it's all in how you do it. Heck Garth certainly didn't have the divine (he became a werewolf later but up to that point he was just a guy) Bobby didn't have the divine (he even died later and has stayed dead) So it's up to you. You can make a great hunter that's badass enough to not need divine. Know weaknesses and knows how to use them. That kind of thing. Just my two cents though :3