[color=fff79a][b]Hoshi[/b][/color] [color=0072bc][i]It appears you may be starting patrol early.[/i][/color] Tendou's mental voice, while as calm and collected as ever, had gained an unmistakably serious edge as the girl rounded the final bend and the convenience store came into view. It wasn't hard to see why. [color=fff79a]"N-Negari!"[/color] Hoshi blurted in shock, her voice cracking slightly as her breath tried to hitch at the same time. To tell the honest truth, she had been extremely far from expecting to run into humanity's sworn enemy dressed up as Hedorah... [color=0072bc][i]Time is of the essence.[/i][/color] [color=fff79a]"Right!"[/color] But even a rookie, an honest to god neophyte of a magical girl understood that you couldn't freeze up when the unexpected happened to you. As quickly as the girl had stopped in her tracks, she started off again at a run, ducking into the nearest suitable alleyway. Her bag hit the floor moments later, and a golden glow sparked from the center of Hoshi's body. [i][color=0072bc]"Ignite Heart..."[/color][/i] [i][b][color=FFCF40]"Go!"[/color][/b][/i] And out from the alleyway rocketed a red-and-gold streak moving at top speed, quick enough to register as little more than a blur to the naked eye. There was no time to waste, not when this thing had already managed to trap so many people within itself. Each second that passed was a second closer to them never escaping, and that wasn't happening! [color=0072bc][i]You have reinforcements—and they could use help.[/i][/color] Tendou noted even as the girl's churning feet devoured the distance between them and the battle. [color=0072bc][i]It appears the monster is able to split off smaller bits of itself that act on their own. Careful.[/i][/color] [color=FFCF40]"Got it!"[/color] She didn't need to hear anything after the first sentence. If one of her peers was in need of assistance, then the course of action was more than clear enough! The smaller blob's tentacles had already begun lashing out at the other magical girl, streaking through the air with whiplike speed even as multiple eyes grew along their lengths. However if all of those eyes were focused upon— [i][color=0072bc]—That appears to be Copenhagen Star.—[/color][/i] —Copenhagen Star, then if something just as quick attacked in a blindside... While it was committed to an attack already... [color=FFCF40][i]"Gungnir..."[/i][/color] With a slight crunch of the pavement, Hoshi's feet planted for the tiniest of moments before she [i]launched[/i] into the air, every bit of her considerable momentum carrying her across the remaining bit of distance at the same blinding speed. [color=0072bc][i]You win battles by knowing an enemy's timing,[/i][/color] Except now, her legs were free to do something [i]besides[/i] run. Twisting midair, she chambered her near knee tight, almost up to her chest... [color=0072bc][i]And by using a timing the enemy does not expect.[/i][/color] [color=FFCF40][i][b]"Thrust!"[/b][/i][/color] And stomped outward, stabbing her heel straight into the center mass of the mini-Negari in a flying side kick, like only the Shooting Star could pull off. That is to say, at speeds most people only reached in a hypercar, and with every ounce of all that momentum behind it.