[B]葛 馮虚 (コペンハーゲン・スター)[/B] Her first test had successfully borne fruit. The abominable creature before her was definitely vulnerable to the torsion forces inflicted upon it by her twisting of space. However, it had also revealed an ability of the Negari that she had not foreseen: the 'chunk' that had been detached from the main mass was itself able to take action, much like how a video game Slime could split into two, smaller individuals upon defeat. The beast would not be so easily defeated like some beginner mob, unfortunately, but the comparison still remained apt. She would, of course, be taking the newly discovered ability into account before further testing. [right][color=FFCF40][i][b]"Thrust!"[/b][/i][/color][/right] A reinforcement had arrived, and at a particularly expedient moment as well. The lesser Negari that had taken life after her attack on the main mass would have been rather difficult to deal with without her weapon. Tentacles were not something that could be fought barehanded unless one was a wrangler, and Copenhagen Star was no Steve Irwin when it came to beasts, and even had she been a famed zookeeper, extranormal creatures would have been beyond her expertise until further experimentation had been conducted. Thus, the assistance of the Shooting Star was very much appreciated. "[color=9D538E]You're a rather welcome sight, Star-kun,[/color]" said the coat-wearing magical girl casually in greeting, even though her violet eyes were still focused on the form of the Negari. She could strike out the possibility that the creature possessed a membrane around a liquid, given the lack of leakage from it when part ofits mass had been torn off. Freeing the civilians trapped within the monster would be far more difficult than first expected if she were unable to successfully open a whole in its side. And until they were rescued, any direct attack on the body would only serve to hurt the trapped as well. Noise from the road diverted her attentions. There was an unique-looking tentacle launching attacks upon an unfamiliar magical girl (another likelihood was a particularly skilled cosplayer, but given the physical abilities being displayed, Copenhagen Star was more fond of the 'mahou shoujo' hypothesis). A tentacle that appeared to have some vacuum-cleaner attachment on its end, which explained the method the Negari had used to trap those humans. An entrance into its mass, so to speak, and thus a possible weak point. It was a fortunate thing to notice, not only to avoid being swallowed in like the victims in the Blob, but because she knew exactly what her next test would involve. "[color=9D538E]Shooting Star-kun, if you would not mind, please attempt to separate as much of the Negari's mass from its main body as possible,[/color]" she continued, preparing her power once again. "[color=9D538E]I wish to fulfil a curiosity of mine.[/color]" What were the limits to the Negari's ability to divide itself? Would each new individual be weaker? If Shooting Star were to continuously break pieces of it off, would it weaken the original mass as well? That was something she could test. With a polite smile to her fellow magical girl, space began to [i]bend[/i] between the roof and the street, and in the span of a second, the sidewalk was [i]next[/i] to the roof. Copenhagen Star took a single step back, and the fabric of space rebounded into its initial shape. Except, she was no longer on the elevated position of the convenience store rooftop, and instead on the street's sidewalk, next to an unwisely planted Japanese cedar ([i]Cryptomeria japonica[/i] or colloquially, the [i]sugi[/i] (杉)). It was not a particularly large member of its species, but it possessed many branches, and was aging quite well. Unfortunately for it, and fortunately for the allergies of the Japanese population, it would age no longer. Copenhagen Star gripped onto the trunk of the tree and with a single heave, [i]ripped[/i] it from its roots. The plant was unwieldy and difficult to carry, but its mass was comparable to that of her large weapon. As long as she could carry the blade she had forgotten to bring along, she would be able to carry the tree. Not for long, however. "[color=9D538E]Beginning the second test,[/color]" she murmured as space warped once more, allowing her to step directly before the vacuum tendril of the beast. The unknown magical girl was nearby too, but she didn't pay too much heed to her. She would abstain from distracting the other magic-user from the rescue of the civilian girl. "[color=9D538E]What is the size limit to objects that can be absorbed into the mass?[/color]" Copenhagen Star heaved, shoving the tree leaves-and-branches-first into the gaping maw of the vacuum tentacle.