Laina turned around, eyes wide in horror as she looked at all the damage being caused. Her hands fumbled and trembled as she re adjusted the strap on her shoulder. She brushed some strands of her glittery silvery blonde hair out of her face and started running around. Everyone looked like they were in some kind of misery or other.[@Hawlin] Laina suddenly noticed Kaite. She seemed in so much pain it even hurt Laina to think about it and rested a hand on her heart. Laina rushed over, clods of dust springing up behind her as her feet impacted the ground. She reached Kaite just as she heard the other girl mutter "Eru". Laina observed quietly, a hand poised over her satchel and another glowing faintly with a small golden light, a small amassing of healing power just in case. Her mind ran over each and every person in the room, judging their health simply by the sounds of pain or echoing silence that reaches her ears. She glances at the figure [@Thinslayer] threatening them and does not dare take a step closer. She was not a warrior but a mere healer and she felt that even though she stepped up in bravery like the others she would never be as strong or as courageous as them. And with those thoughts she stayed huddled by herself, whispering a sentence that seemed to float through the air before fading away [color=powderblue]"I'm here if you need me. May your bravery prosper."[/color]