[center][img]https://s13.postimg.org/vlorzzvd3/Xen_Desh_Idlindra.png[/img][/center] [hr] Xen saw his companions fighting the wargs with some success. He himself kept pulling back toward the fire behind him, his eyes scanning the edge of the glow for any signs of the rest. Of course, that mattered very little as the man emerged from some kind of miasmic darkness. Xen's eyes shifted around as the wargs were dragged into the being. This was very powerful magic. Ancient magic. Something Xen has not seen in a very long time. Almost instinctively, he planted his foot behind him, feeling the silver sword in his left hand pull away from him. As the man spoke, he could feel a stir in the air around him. A kind of static that only those attuned could feel. The glow from the fire dimmed with the only traces of light coming from the random flickers of the flame as it struggled for survival. As the beast drew his zweihander, he noticed the crest on the pommel. This was no ordinary beast. Xen's eyes widened as things began to flood into his mind. The static began to grow and shape itself, moving ever closer like tendrils licking across the darkness. Almost as if on reflex Xen extended his hand toward his staff, which still laid calmly against the moss-covered tree. It flew across the clearing and Xen could see the snapping of darkened hands as they attempted to grip the weapon. The staff slammed in his palm with a resounding [b]crack[/b]. The man began walking towards them now and with each step he felt the air become denser. It pulsed, sending shockwaves that rendered a feeling of placidity. Inertness. Sloth. Without a moments hesitation Xen slammed the the staff into the ground, the dirt chipping away. However, the particles did not fall back down. They seemed to be caught in some kind of semi-stasis. They spun slowly, still rising. Xen's flowing hair took on a similar effect as the locks shifted but were caught in this temporal field. As the next shockwave passed over Xen, it warbled and bent around an unseen force that surrounded him. To the gaze of the others around them, Xen had simply vanished. This was no parlor trick. The laws of spacetime held their rules, but they were not mutual inclusive to each other. They could be bent and broken to the will of the master. Suddenly, Xen was falling. Or was he? The scene around him began to stretch upward. This beast. Xen's companions. They all took on a rubbery property, pulling higher and higher until it was almost unidentifiable. Sound didn't seem to exist, the silence deafening in it's own right. Xen gritted his teeth and shut his eyes tightly, the immense strain of the force attempting to pull him with everyone else. And just like that, it was over. Xen opened his eyes and looked around. All around him was blackness, a void of all things. Beneath his feet, however, he could see everything. Passing beneath him was everything that is or was. Like standing on top of a glass floor, he saw as Kaite fell in pain. As Laina scrambled to her side and Vert struggling to keep balance. He also witnessed Zenovia's magic. What a sight to behold! This woman was no ordinary mage. But he put it out of his mind for now. Every moment spent on this plane was one step closer to full assimilation. The entire place warbled again as the beast's magic attempted to penetrate to no avail. Thus, Xen began running. Like in a nightmare where you are being chased, running was painfully slow as if stuck in the murky doldrums of your mind. Of course, that is what this place was. It was the everything. It touched everyone. As Xen struggled ever closer to where Vert was, beads of sweat running down his face and pulled away into the darkness, he hoped he could get there in time. He hoped everyone could last long enough.