[hider=WIP] Name: Anaris Mon'Qim Age: 153 Species: Sub-Human Place In Story (Job): Admiral of the Guard Character Description (Physically): [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/4f307d9a-b790-4418-9e18-fd169a02f41c.jpg [/img] Character Description (Mentally): Anaris could be descriped in a few sentence at that - hard-working, practical and pragmatic. Under her watch is the protection of several million souls at that. Her tactics are bold yet usually hidden in plain-sight - making them unpredictable at best, near suicidal-looking at worst. Despite this kind of act, she does have a calm-head on her - with the safety of the Armada her main priority. Making her in a sense hard to bribe with money or wealth, since through the years - she has sacrificed enough of her own physical form, to become...bound to her duty at that. Biography: Anaris is the oldest member of the Guard Fleet. While she hasn't always been the Admiral, she had spent decades helping to shape it. She was born to a Minosian family at that, while most of her childhood had been average - it was only after their skirmish with a large pirate squadron - and having their home-ship destroyed, her surviving in an escape-pod with several others, that Anaris started taking a more military interest. She excelled in her studies at that. Then eventually managing to join the Guard ranks at that - and started her climb upwards. At around forty, she managed to become a Viceroy of the Guard Fleet - in essence the advisor to Admiral of the Guard. She spent a good half of her life at that, helping to manage and fortify the Fleet at that - helping it grow stronger and better. Anaris was one of the few, whom was willing to cyberfy herself in order to live and serve longer at that. She became Admiral of the Guard, roughly thirty years ago - holding onto the position for several decades. [hr] Flagship: The Simulacrum Appearance: [img]http://pre00.deviantart.net/de14/th/pre/f/2015/145/c/6/prothean_dreadnought_by_euderion-d8uo97e.jpg[/img] Arnaments: [list] [*] Phasic Shielding - an interesting piece of technology that uses, strange particles to create a glowing green barrier around itself, that evaporates anything on contact. Including other energy blasts, kinetic shots or missiles. It alot of power though, and can't be used in [*] Exotic Particle Packet Cannon - the main weapon of the Simulacrum, it fires a beam of exotic particles at the enemy. Wrecking shielding and causing massive radiation damage to any unshielded targets in the immediate area or point of location. [*] Tribonsium Plating - named after a type of mineral from Minotaur, that was near impossible to mine, namely Bonsium. Tribonsium on the other hand, is interesting in the regard - it's both of unknown make and has covered the ship in a triple layer of it. It offers near-universal protection against space and cosmic radiation, is tough enough not withstand multiple bombardments from both kinetic and heat sources and in addition has a strange self-repair protocol. That slowly repairs any cracks that have formed in it's wake. [*] Supernova Warheads - a strange type of ancient missile-tech, that in essence is hollow yet contains a fleck of neutronium inside it's shell. Stable until fired against an enemy ship - they have been nicknamed Supernova - due to the fact, that their launch signals the sight of one at that and a deadly result at that. Currently only twelve remain, and only one ever used since it's founding. [/list] Bio: For all its gifts and power the Simulacrum, is also an ancient and often called dangerous vessel at that. Recovered from a planet, that nearly laughed at the laws of physics from an underground lair - fairly intact. The Minosians and their alien allies were baffled at this ship. In all essence, it appeared the ultimate war-ship. However, as soon learned, nothing came without a price. The Simulacrum, has an odd way of [i]steering[/i] it - namely the ship' pilot has to suspend oneself in a strange energy field. That allows to move the ship with relative ease - yet slowly drives all but the weak-minded insane at that. It is a kept secret at that - since many whom take the helm are often the Admiral of the Guard, themselves. And if the ship doesn't drive them crazy - they eventually start to see and think about strange equations, visions and undescripable sources of strange light. Slowly the databases of the Simulacrum have been unlocked, revealing piecemeal - how the original creators of such a ship. Had been the ones, to focus their studies into higher-dimensional maths and physics... [/hider]