[hider=Nalia Collins][b]Name:[/b] Saturnalia "Nalia" Collins [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b][indent] [img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/characters/16/69481.jpg[/img] [img]http://wallpaperscraft.com/image/49059/300x300.jpg?orig=1[/img][/indent] [b]Personality:[/b][indent]As the eldest daughter, Saturnalia is very maternal, clinging to their mother and learning from her. Saturnalia helped to take care of her younger siblings and completely took over the role when their mother passed away giving birth to her fifth child. She tries to stay strong and to not let her frustration and anxiety pass onto those under her care. Saturnalia is extremely vigilant and compassionate, ever-ready to take care of the needs of her loved ones. She exudes a quiet, calm serenity, hoping to be a pillar of stability in this tumultuous world, though her own heart wavers.[/indent] [b]Brief Bio:[/b][indent]Like Damien, Saturnalia enjoyed the ease and comfort of their relatively peaceful life. She was content and excelled at being a civilian, earning high scores at school, and becoming something of a minor celebrity among her classmates. In her young age, she had learned all she could from their mother, and eventually became the primary caretaker of the household when their mother passed. When it was revealed to her that they were the deposed royal family, she had misgivings and viewed their mission with apprehension. She preferred the current, tenuous, relative peace to the conflict she knew would arise if she and her siblings took up arms.[/indent] [i]Gundam[/i] [b]Name/Model:[/b] ZGMF-444 Legion Gundam [b]Image/Description:[/b][indent][img]http://i.imgur.com/DMKjVaN.jpg[/img][hider=Breakdown]This suit is based off the Legend, Providence and Nix Providence. This breakdown is to detail and explain in case the image above is confusing. It's main body is the Legend: [img]https://www.1999.co.jp/itbig04/10045452t.jpg[/img] with the backpack in the folded back position: [img]http://i.imgur.com/tZTgR6Z.jpg[/img] But it's waist/hip region is the Providence's, which can hold more dragoons on the hips (this is not shown in the above image): [img]http://i.imgur.com/3JT6McG.jpg[/img] And it carries two of Nix's shoulder packs, one on each shoulder: [img]http://i.imgur.com/9Eze8mo.jpg[/img] Kind of like this: [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v602/crystalalien87/nix_zpsa847c75f.jpg[/img] The reason I'm going into so much detail is because next Fall, when I visit Taiwan on vacation, I'm gonna see about buying myself two Nix's to go with my Legend and recreate this Gundam.[/hider][/indent] [b]Other info:[/b][indent]The Legion carries two telescoping beam spears in leg holsters:[img]http://images.figure.fm/cgm/images/post/20110706/29180/246990/large/667b09bc1e29a7b18186e40f77252aff.jpg[/img] It has 4 large dragoon pods, 1 stored on each shoulder pack, 2 stored on the backpack. Each pod has 4 x beam spikes and 5 x assault beam machine guns. It has 16 small dragoon pods, 6 stored on backpack, 2 stored on each shoulder pack, 2 stored on each side-hip armor, 2 stored on the rear waist armor. Each pod has 2 assault beam machine guns. It has shield generators on the back of each hand, and on each shoulder pack.[/indent] [b]Theme song:[/b][indent][hider=Fate][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RX4X0bVjwpE[/youtube][/hider][/indent][/hider]