[hr][hr][center][color=palegreen][h1]Interest Check[/h1][b]< a.k.a. Le RP Ad >[/b][/color][/center] [hr] Interest Check (iCheck) isn't a necessity, but it's useful to help the GM to assemble enough players before starting the roleplay proper. You can say that iCheck is something like an advertisement to tickle the curious members lurking around the site to get out of their holes and just join in the fun. Anyway. There are already some guides on how to make iChecks, so I won't elaborate too much on that, and focus on the how to present the iCheck in a more visually appealing way. Just ask yourself: would you rather read something with walls of plain, boring text, or something else less strenuous to the human eyes that feels more lively and intriguing? Here are the basic components to make an attractive Int Check: [list][*][b]Images.[/b] As the saying goes, "A picture can speak a thousand words." [*][b]Headers, Horizontal Rules and Indents.[/b] This helps to separate the different sections with better clarity, so that players are able to digest the information better. [*][b]Colors.[/b] Hey, try to add some life into the Check, instead of just whitewash against the dark background... Unless you're a monochrome fanatic, which I won't stop you.[/list] The specific sections and info required for Group and 1x1 Checks are different, hence two separate samples. Both are kept as simple as possible without degrading visual appeal so that even coding noobs can achieve similar effect. They are also designed to be mobile-friendly. (A gentle reminder to do your revision on [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3960597][b]this post[/b][/url] before throwing retarded tantrums at me about why your codes ain't working.) The samples are in hiders for organization purpose of this guide only - you don't need to put them in hiders for yourself, yeah. To see the coding, simply click on "View Raw" at the top-right corner of this post. Feel free to tweak around to suit your Int Check better. [list][*]For Group, the design is modeled after a combination of standard blog templates (e.g. WordPress, Tumblr) and magazine article layout. [hider=Int Check | Group][hr][hr][center][color=dodgerblue][h1]Title[/h1][b]OPTIONAL. Subtitle[/b][/color] [color=darkgray][sup][b]OPTIONAL. If the RP is based on fandom, or inspired from existing works, you can indicate in one line here.[/b][/sup][/color] [img]http://www.caliper.com.sg/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Place-Image-here3.jpg[/img] [color=silver][i]"OPTIONAL. Quotes can help to increase the players' feeling of immersion towards the roleplay."[/i][/color] [color=gray][b]— Where the quote originates from, duh.[/b][/color] [hider=Main Theme]OPTIONAL. Tone of the music you choose as theme can help to give players an overall feel of the roleplay you're going for.[/hider][/center] [hr][center][color=dodgerblue][h2]PREMISE[/h2][b]< Introduction >[/b][/color] [hr] A synopsis of the roleplay's story. It can be a short summary of the plot, or a catchy preview. Basically, this is similar to you'd see on the back of a DVD or Blu-Ray cover, or in video trailers.[/center] [hr][center][color=dodgerblue][h2]OVERVIEW[/h2][b]< Information >[/b][/color][/center][hr] [color=dodgerblue][b]The World[/b][/color] [indent]A short write-up about the setting of the roleplay. Is it set in the past, present, or future? Is the location somewhere on Earth, or in a faraway galaxy? If it's based on fandom, is it a prequel/sequel, or an AU?[/indent] [color=dodgerblue][b]The Characters[/b][/color] [indent]What kind of cast are you expecting from the players - fantasy creatures, realistic humans, or alien races? What else must the players take note of to help them decide if their character is able to fit in with your roleplay world or not?[/indent] [color=dodgerblue][b]The Theme[/b][/color] [indent]What is the main focus of the roleplay - teen angst, school comedy, or something else/much more? It's also good to address stuff such as character death, exploration of darker and more mature topics, et cetera.[/indent] [color=dodgerblue][b]The Style[/b][/color] [indent]What's the level of writing: free, casual, or advanced? Linear or sandbox? First or third person? Strictly play by post or collaboration heavy? This is important to let the players know if they can still fit into the roleplay well in terms of their skills as a roleplayer, other than character creation.[/indent] [color=dodgerblue][b]The Highlight[/b][/color] [indent]OPTIONAL. Anything else you want to emphasize or bring up to convince the players why they would find your roleplay more interesting than the tons out there on the site.[/indent] [color=dodgerblue][b]Inspirations & Influences[/b][/color] [list][*]OPTIONAL. As the section title says.[/list] [hr][hr][/hider][/list] [list][*]For 1x1, it's modeled after a combination of character sheets and general profile page write-ups. [hider=Int Check| 1x1][hr][hr][center][color=dodgerblue][h1][Your Name Here]'s 1x1 Interest Check[/h1](Or you can come up with some witty titles to call your Check thread, if you want.)[/color][/center] [hr] [h3][color=dodgerblue]About Me:[/color][/h3][list][*]This section is where you give a short intro of yourself - not trivia about you, but things like your writing level, your online schedule, and other roleplay-related stuff. [*]You may also include links of your writing samples for better illustration.[/list] [h3][color=dodgerblue]Looking For:[/color][/h3][list][*]Here's where you state what you expect from your roleplay partners, such as writing level, online frequency, age rating, et cetera.[/list] [h3][color=dodgerblue]Plot Bunnies:[/color][/h3][list][*][hider=Plot Title #1]Information about the plot idea goes here - synopsis, pairing, the character you're playing, and the partner character you want for this particular idea.[/hider][/list] [h3][color=dodgerblue]Fandom List:[/color][/h3][list][*]As the header says. [*][s]Once taken, strike through.[/s][/list] [h3][color=dodgerblue]Pairing List:[/color][/h3][list][*]Again, as the header says. [b]Bold the character that you're playing if you must.[/b] [*][s]Twice taken, another strike through.[/s][/list] (Any final words? Such as how the potential players can contact you - in the check thread or PM?) [hr][hr][/hider][/list] [hr][hr][center][color=palegreen][h2]Bonus Material[/h2][b]< Going Further >[/b][/color][/center] [hr] These samples are more advanced, but just listing them here for those who might be interested: [list][*][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3403187][i]Enigma Final Fantasy[/i][/url] | [@tsukune] [*][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3790539][i]Hollow Stone: Slaves of the Apocalypse[/i][/url] | [@Gowi] [*][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/158055][i]Garden of Shadow[/i][/url] | [@Little Kitsune] & [@NuttsnBolts] [*][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3957030][i]Frequencies[/i][/url] | [@MissCapnCrunch] (If you wish to share your samples, just drop me a PM with the link. All credits will be given accordingly where appropriate.)[/list] [hr] [b]Coming Next:[/b] [indent]Character Sheets, a.k.a. legalized Mary Sues [s]okay nothing wrong with self-inserts unless you're so good at coming up with excuses to make yourself look flawless, that everyone starts thinking up a million ways to dissect your character... atom by atom[/s].[/indent]