[center][img]http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/241/6/a/fable_by_oukamiyoukai45-d6k8si4.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/161217/bdb6d772c9cf8e00ae256e244f92b7ba.png[/img][/center] Athea is what we call home. Sure, it might have its downfalls, but it still gives us food and shelter despite the other deadlier creatures that reside here with us. The three Houses-- Nocturne, Dawnspear, and Silvergale --do not resort to war, even though they fight constant battles with their sharp tongues and devious whispers. We dragons have inhabited Athea for well over a thousand years, or so they say. All we have ever known are the Three Houses that divide most of the known continent and thus others' allegiances and the existence of our deity, Ouroboros. But times are coming to a change. New faces have traveled across the Clouded Sea upon ships made of wood and steel. Humans, they call themselves. And, apparently, they come in peace. [hr] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/161217/b5e66ec2f0706440b79749ff3bb96be6.png[/img][/center] - Five to six [i][b]dedicated, active, and overall friendly[/b][/i] players that will make more than one (or possibly two) characters (active, to me at least, means posting once every two to three days). Perhaps I will allow an increase in group size, depending on how many people I see are dedicated enough. - People who are [b]literate[/b]. I'm not talking about a group of six Shakespeares, as everyone makes mistakes, but please, don't come here if you can't even form an unintelligible set of paragraphs. - People who will [b]plot with players and with me[/b]. - People who will not only be active in the IC, but [b]active in the out of character thread[/b]. These rules are put into place due to the fact of going through the terrible cycle of starting an awesome RP only to have it die within a month over and over again. [u]NOTE:[/u] if I recognize your name and know that you [i]don't[/i] follow the above "rules", I will most likely not accept you into the RP. [u]NOTE:[/u] [b]DO NOT POST IN HERE IF YOU KNOW THAT YOU WILL NOT FOLLOW THE SAID RULES ABOVE.[/b]