Amelia looked at Alenios as he spoke, her eyes onto him, and she let out a smile at his dedication. He was dedicated to her after all. That was not in doubt. But perhaps it was such that it led to momentary lapses in protocol, in a place where such a thing was paramount, and could not be readily dismissed. [color=red]"The barbarians will have to be dealt with immediately. Perhaps the mercenaries here will prove useful?"[/color] Amelia looked at Amiarty's and Hatuum. Indeed they could prove useful as mercenaries for a mission to kill the new High King. Perhaps kill the king in such a way that would not immediately implicate Nocturne? Prevent the barbarians from solidifying further. A united Germania was a dangerous thought in Amelia's mind. [color=red]"We need to kill this High King before he could invade Nocturne. But we cannot do something that will cause the barbarians to unite in anger. We will hire Amiartys and Hatuum on a contract to kill the High King. You will accompany them."[/color]