((Collab between Rex, Double, and Letter Bee)) [b][i]Seth[/i][/b] "Well, someone's confident in themselves." chirped Seth when three strangers appeared. They all looked strange, even by his standards. The closest one to normal was the woman, but then her literal forked tongue went and made her equally strange as her masked buddies, "You guys are acting pretty casual considering your whole world is being threatened by your so-called allies." Seth sighed, almost annoyed by all this. Apart from Moscow, he thus far didn't have to take any of the battles particularly seriously, especially when his teammates were generally very good about doing that for him. But the Incubators just had to threaten an end to multiple universes, and these strangers from Drake's world just had to show up and complicate this even further. The Nobody literally had no other option [i]except[/i] to take this mission more seriously. When he and the two Tocsax's were offered a "painless" death in exchange for handing over Drake, Tocsax was quick to refuse. Seth on the other hand, just shrugged, "Okie dokie..." his hands had both been stuffed in his pockets at this point, remaining unseen. Good thing, too, since Seth was able to prepare his trump card as a surprise maneuver. Without any hint or verbal warning, the Nobody pulled out both hands and slapped them together to instantly mix the Stop and Haste spell they were holding onto respectively. Things were about to get a tiny bit crazy... just like in Moscow. Tocsax, meanwhile, had decided to use overwhelming force, and used [url=http://www.khwiki.com/Multivortex]Multivortex[/url] on each of the three, quicky slicing the enemy with blades of energy before spinning in a vortex that launched a whirlwind of small stars that would harm any enemy but not hurt friends. The moment this stopped, the Nobody would disappear into a Corridor of Darkness and reappear beside Data-Ascot, who would point his Kingdom Key at the earth, and say: "Quake!" and the earth would then quake. As for the Superweapon, Seth, his time slowed down, would observe that only the outside was a hard-light construct, that, if he stretched his magical and observational senses, veins of crystaline nanobots can be seen closer to the core, a core made up of one giant hexagonal crystal... The woman smiled before she glowed purple and changed into a small purple robin that dodged and weaved the attacks as it flew high into the sky as blades followed suit. The man in the white mask flung his shovel at a building. As it made contact. The man seemed to fizzle into sparks before he appeared where the shovel made contact with the wall of the building. He quickly dislodged the shove as a door appeared under him. It opened and he fell into the door before it closed and fizzled into fog. Another door appeared as the man in the white mask jumped out of it before he quickly conjured up another door to avoided more of the blades. The man with the hockey mask smiled as five re circles appeared around him, each having strange lavenders colored symbols around the circles radius. Bones popped out of the circles before they began to contact to one another. In a second, the bones created five condor skeletons that seem to hang in the air. Lavender lights flashed in the eye sockets of each skeleton as they were suddenly engulfed in flames. The condor skeletons let out a bone rattling screech before they flew towards the blades. They would intercept the blades as they’re body’s would implode into ashes. The man in the hockey mask seemed pleased with their progress up until the ground began to shack and stars rained down. He cursed, “Damn persistent humans.” He would turn to the man in the white mask and yell, “Maze, doors! Now!” The man in the white mask nodded before three doors appeared. The robin quickly flew through one while the man with the hockey mask jumped through the second. The man in the white mask leaped into his before they all shut and fizzled into white fog. After several second the doors reappeared and the three leaped out of them as the woman sighed, “I’ll still never get use to that.” The man with the hockey mask looked towards the man in the white mask and ordered, “Find this princess and bring her to me. We’ll use her as a bargaining chip. So bring her back alive. Limbs on the other hand are optional.” The man in the white mask nodded before a door appeared on the ground in front of him. The door swung open and the man in the white mask jumped down into the door before it quickly closed and the door fizzled into white fog. “Pity Maze won’t be here for the fun,” the woman said as her forked tongue flickered from her mouth once again. “Don’t worry Viper, he’ll have his fun. You know how twisted Maze is,” the man with the hockey mask said before he looked at Tocsax and added, “You do realize I’m trying to help you.” he would sigh and begin to explain. “How long before Drake is offered a much larger sum of Credit and turns on you?” the man in the hockey mask said before he continued, “do you honestly think he’ll chose you over money? Or for that matter, do you honestly think he’s some kind of hero?” The woman laughed before she said, “Drake? A hero? Please, he’s a heartless monster. He’s just in it for the money and nothing else. I wouldn’t get too attached to the guy. He’s nothing more than a weapon” “Precisely. Has he even told you what he’s done to make a living? Or has he left out?” the man in the Hockey mask said as a crooked smile formed on his face before he added, “We’re his family. We can help him. You’d actually keep him from us?”