Instead of a decrease in the danger from attacking the tentacles, Noriko was confronted with an explanation for how it had sent more in to start with and an unpleasant realisation that even buying time by distracting it wouldn't work. She'd thought that the initial increase in tentacles meant that the Negari was putting more effort into getting her and less on fighting the outside. Obviously this was a mistaken assumption. Though to successfully escape [i]and[/i] help, she should disable the tentacles somehow. Her knives were infinite until she transformed back and the tentacles were thin enough to stab through entirely, whilst the monster didn't seem too intelligent. There were too many to go through one by one, but if she attacked above the latest splits... Taking advantage of the tentacles' apparent tendency to attack where she had just been, Noriko started throwing the knives for the thicker limbs, hoping to pierce them and pin it in place. Then she could get out the front uncontested.