Spirit giggles looking up still half asleep and yawns stretching. "What time is it?" She said with a sweet innocent smile and slowly sits up rubbing her eyes before she fully woke up and shrieks. She jumps cornering herself to a corner of the bed curled up hugging her knees. "Who are you and Where am I?! Where's Mystery????" She panicked looking around the room for her brother frantically but she stayed still not knowing what the stranger may do if she moved. Mystery turned back into a human knowing his sister would want to see him like this, "Not that we know of, I don't really remember parents so I can't really say if we do or not... But one time I remember my dad setting one of his books on fire in the living room..." He shrugged and followed close behind Ed and stood by the doorway when he sets her down. He quickly runs to her when she shrieks and pulls her into a tight hug, "Hey, I'm right here. No one is here to hurt you... I'm right here, Your right here. We are together"