Alenios listened intently of Amelia's proposition, he was not one to question Amelia's orders, but if this were to be an assassination mission, a man as large as Hatuum would be very suspicious and make the mission all the harder. [color=9e0b0f]"My lady, I do not doubt that Hatuum would be effective in direct combat, but he would be a bit unsuited for this mission."[/color] he said throwing a glance at the large man, before turning back to Amelia. [color=9e0b0f]"However, I can tell without any doubt that Amiartys would a great addition, I have seen him accomplish a great deal of amazing things during the Siege of Prague... and you that I don't give compliments that easily."[/color] to be honest, other than Amelia and Amiartys, he probably never complimented anyone else and mean it at the same time. However, he would not be one to question her orders, but that didn't mean that he couldn't take assurances. He approached Amelia and whispered in her ear. [color=9e0b0f]"To tell you the truth, I do not trust the large one, my lady, but I do not wish to question your decision, so I will take him, but only if you will allow me to take my two personal guards with me."[/color] he said, with his ever-present smile. [color=9e0b0f]"Plus, some of the nobles who dislike our closeness might see that an "accident" happens to me while on this mission, so I will be able to travel easier if my two trustiest bodyguards are with me."[/color]