[@CrazyShadowy] I'm not meaning to pressure you into answering me. More than anything, I'd just like to get things moving forward so setting this project up will stop getting in the way of my main story work. So far, I'm not getting much feedback apart from people who're part of me circle off the site (which doesn't help much, since most of them trust me enough as a GM to know that whatever I go with'll be executed in a way that'll be a good ride). It's been brought to my attention by tsukune that it's actually not common on this site for a GM to give a shit about the questions/opinions of their players, whereas I think it only makes sense that I ask what people'd enjoy more when it comes to matters that I can adapt my game around one way or another. Basically, I want people's feedback in order to offer a good role-play to as many people as possible out of those who've shown interest in what I'm offering. While the method of which they do so could be a bit complex, and will require intuition and discovery for the players to uncover, it's actually going to be possible for the dead characters to serve a role beyond merely being spectators, even if they'll obviously have certain limitations and nuances that differentiate them from the living players. Letting OOC grudges influence the IC is against the rules, and players will get kicked out of the role-play for that.