[@The1Rolling1Boy][@1Hawkeyes][@SoulEater] Discontent to just stand around doing next to nothing, Cecilia thought now would be a good time to practice drawing; it was a fair way to pass the time and, although it was an "on and off" hobby, she was feeling rather inspired by her new friends as well as the delightful natural sights she had witnessed. On her way to her cabin to gather her personal drawing kit, a small part of her worried that one of her reasons for her current spontaneous interest in drawing was to procrastinate in light of something she should actually be doing. With perhaps less energy in her stride, she continued, stopping dead at the terrible scream emanating from the cabin which she earlier saw Mystery lead Helena and Edmond, his sleeping sister formerly at its steps. Cecilia certainly wasn't in the habit of sticking her nose where it didn't belong, as it were. But it appeared evident, by the way she frantically rushed over to the shriek's source, she considered this instance an exception. "What's wrong!? Wha...!?" Distress powering her up the steps, she hectically came as far as the doorway to find Mystery embracing his sister, Helena and Edmond also in the room. Cecilia was confused to say the least, feeling like she was interrupting something.